social enterprise, circular economy

Εκπαίδευση στην Κυκλική Οικονομία

The project "Education in the Circular Economy" is a proposal of Liofyllo, that it was included in the context of the call for financial support of investment projects for action 9.v.1.1-a "Support of existing and under establishment Social and Solidarity Economy Agencies (S.S.E.) in Western Greece" within the framework of the Operational Program (ESPA) "Western Greece 2014-2020". In this project, an innovative product is to be developed, from the material which is managed by Liofyllo. The aim is the reduction of the volume of plastic produced as well...

heritage for youth eu project sustainability

Heritage 4 Youth

"Heritage for youth" is a project which aims to foster exchange and dialogue between young people and youth workers. The partners are from 7 different EU countries on the issues of safeguarding and promoting natural and cultural heritage and social inclusion. Specific objectives of the project: To raise awareness of the importance of European cultural heritage To promote young people environmental education, especially ecotourism education for an active citizenship To strengthen the sense of belonging and participation, promoting activities that protect and enhance the common heritage, involving young people...

tedx, patras, workshop

TEDx Patras 2019 “Uncertainty”

On December 7th 2019, Liofyllo as a community partner with TEDx Patras team was pleased to present a workshop designed exclusively for the event. The be-all of the game was the olive tree – Liofyllo’s symbol. The players, after being divided into groups, took on four roles; namely, a farmer, an entrepreneur, a consumer and… that of Uncertainty! In line with innovative practices for the use, processing and alteration of olive products, the aim of the game was for the players to identify with their roles and...

youth, eu project, creativity

Συμμετοχή στην ημερίδα για το πρόγραμμα «EcoStep Youth»

The chairwoman of Liofyllo, Alexandra Makrygeorgou, participated as keynote speaker in a workshop for the EcoStep program (https://liofyllo.com/en/participation-in-the-ecostep-youth-program/ ) on 21st February, 2019. The workshop "EcoStep Youth: Creative Recycling and Entrepreneurship Vol.2" was organized by a nonprofit organization, InterMediaKT. ( https://intermediakt.org/home-gr/ ) Liofyllo was selected as an active Green startup, and specifically in the fields of "Green Economy" and "Creative Upcycling". Alexandra presented an alternative and innovative way of managing waste deriving from human activity. ...