Participation in the “EcoStep Youth” program
Alexandra Makrygeorgou, the chairwoman of Liofyllo participated as a keynote speaker at the “EcoStep Youth program”. The event was organized by InterMediaKT in June 2018 and focused on the path from Recycling to Social Entrepreneurship. ( )
Europe faces a dual challenge: A) Environmental: waste generation, depletion of resources, and carbon footprint. The ever-growing problem of overpopulation dictates the rise of environmental consciousness. The intention is the prevention of waste as well as the reuse of human waste. B) Social: economic crisis, rising unemployment, increasing inequalities with some young people threatened with exclusion. The latter are searching for meaning and have fewer opportunities for a social, civic or a professional education. They live in a throwaway society that is paradoxically based on over-consumption and gives them the false idea of abundance.
The aim of the EcoStep Youth is to provide innovative solutions through attractive educational actions with environmental & social impact. Awareness can be raised via original pedagogical ways to change consumption patterns and engage young people in this new approach.
Liofyllo, a startup company with a strong social and environmental impact, presented participants with the opportunities to meet challenges. Also, it’s necessary to empower people for a better future and to instill the values of social economy and environmental protection to future generations. ( )