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social enterprise, circular economy

Education in Circular Economy

The project “Education in the Circular Economy” is a proposal of Liofyllo, that it was included in the context of the call for financial support of investment projects for action 9.v.1.1-a “Support of existing and under establishment Social and Solidarity Economy Agencies (S.S.E.) in Western Greece” within the framework of the Operational Program (ESPA) “Western Greece 2014-2020”.circularity sustainability

In this project, an innovative product is to be developed, from the material which is managed by Liofyllo. The aim is the reduction of the volume of plastic produced as well as other non-environmentally friendly materials.

So the vanguard, in the existing one innovation of the SCE Liofyllo, will be the manufacture of pots in different sizes.

Additionally, in the context of awareness, they will be specially created educational seminars. The aim of these seminars will be to strengthen the ecological consciousness, mainly in the territorial area of Western Greece.

These special educational tools (workshop), in combination with the innovative products, will empower female, green and social entrepreneurship, both in Western Greece as well as in the domestic market in general.

Through this project, the team of Liofyllo will invest in the “knowledge triangle” theory. Both the main actions and philosophy of the project will contribute to the innovative development and education of the rural and especially the olive oil production sector.

The acts of learning, discovering and innovation go hand in hand, like the three pistons in an economic engine.

Education, research and innovation, all together will be part of a ‘machine’ that will create:

  • innovation,
  • jobs,
  • skills development,
  • sustainability and
  • social progress.