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Green opportunity

The project “Green opportunity – Re-design the future” (code 2023-3-BG01-KA210-YOU-000180593) aims to introduce the environmental benefits of following the principles of circular economy to young people in order to: inspire and encourage them to re-think production and consumption as we know it and act towards integration between natural ecosystems, our daily lives, businesses and reducing waste. The partnership between Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece is created on the basis of common goals and interests, values of the organisation and the aim to be responsible players in the world that we...



The main objectives of INTERACTION project is to promote the eco-transformation of the creative sector towards a new modernized vision and to integrate sustainability and green growth into every aspect of the labor market. Thanks to education addressed to the key actors of this industry, will increase the flexibility of opportunities in vocational creative education and training. Central idea and "vehicle of transport" will be the European culture - heritage.     European priority: Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs Duration: 2 years (2023-2025) Partners: SREDNO OPSHTINSKO UCHILISHTE NIKOLA KAREV...

liofyllo actions eu projects ECOSTEM training project


ECOSTEM - KEY project (code 2022-2-МК01-КА210-SCH-000100728) is a small-scale partnership of 4 different countries with different qualifications in a project they will cooperate in together to achieve the project objectives. The full title of the project is One Planet - One Destination - Restoring the Ecosystem. The project aims to use innovative practices to stop the environmental damage and eventually to reverse it, based on the UN SDG 15. Environmental education for sustainable development includes: - education about the environment, - education within the environment and - educational approaches for the environment. Moreover,...

social enterprise, circular economy

Education in Circular Economy

The project "Education in the Circular Economy" is a proposal of Liofyllo, that it was included in the context of the call for financial support of investment projects for action 9.v.1.1-a "Support of existing and under establishment Social and Solidarity Economy Agencies (S.S.E.) in Western Greece" within the framework of the Operational Program (ESPA) "Western Greece 2014-2020". In this project, an innovative product is to be developed, from the material which is managed by Liofyllo. The aim is the reduction of the volume of plastic produced as well...