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The main objectives of INTERACTION project is to promote the eco-transformation of the creative sector towards a new modernized vision and to integrate sustainability and green growth into every aspect of the labor market. Thanks to education addressed to the key actors of this industry, will increase the flexibility of opportunities in vocational creative education and training. Central idea and "vehicle of transport" will be the European culture - heritage.     European priority: Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs Duration: 2 years (2023-2025) Partners: SREDNO OPSHTINSKO UCHILISHTE NIKOLA KAREV...

liofyllo actions eu projects ECOSTEM training project


ECOSTEM - KEY project (code 2022-2-МК01-КА210-SCH-000100728) is a small-scale partnership of 4 different countries with different qualifications in a project they will cooperate in together to achieve the project objectives. The full title of the project is One Planet - One Destination - Restoring the Ecosystem. The project aims to use innovative practices to stop the environmental damage and eventually to reverse it, based on the UN SDG 15. Environmental education for sustainable development includes: - education about the environment, - education within the environment and - educational approaches for the environment. Moreover,...

liofyllo actions eu projects Upinfood training project


Upinfood (code 2022-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000085003) is a training project for upskill key innovation related competences in VET for the micro and small businesses of the food sector. Moreover, its aim is to accompany the necessary transformation of the food supply chain toward more innovative and sustainable models thanks to quality VET education. Due to Liofyllo's diversity it was chosen to undertake the leading role of a Green Committee at the project. So, Liofyllo will be responsible of checking the sustainable behaviors and green practices of the partners all along the implementation...


Wasteless; Waste Less, Recycle More!

The project Wasteless; Waste Less, Recycle More! (code 2021-2-DE03- KA210-SCH-000048458) aims to improve the attitude of young people - teenagers (target group 12-18 years) towards the environment. Furthermore, the partners will differentiate the techniques of achieving the goals and they will improve the quality of education in practice. Through the program, strategies will be achieved for the integration of the partners in the community so that create a clean and green living environment, inform on the reduction of waste and how volunteering helps in this. European priority: Environment and fight...

heritage for youth eu project sustainability

Heritage 4 Youth

"Heritage for youth" is a project which aims to foster exchange and dialogue between young people and youth workers. The partners are from 7 different EU countries on the issues of safeguarding and promoting natural and cultural heritage and social inclusion. Specific objectives of the project: To raise awareness of the importance of European cultural heritage To promote young people environmental education, especially ecotourism education for an active citizenship To strengthen the sense of belonging and participation, promoting activities that protect and enhance the common heritage, involving young people...



Participation in Pit Stop: PIT STOP project is funded by Priority Axis 1 (Innovation and Competitiveness) of the INTERREG V-A Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020 (Specific Objective 1.1 - Delivering innovation support services and developing clusters across borders to foster competitiveness). The project aims to support establishment of new incubators in the field of innovation as well as a space to accelerate the growth of companies in a supported environment, creating employment. Finally, the purpose is to develop new business ideas and restructure existing SMEs. A total of 5 partner organizations...

interreg, culture, greece, italy, creative


Liofyllo participated in the Education - Training & Incubation program of Business Ideas in the field of Cultural & Creative Industry of Western Greece. This program was carried out in the framework of the implementation of the European Interreg Traces Project of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Program. The Chamber of Achaia participated as a Contracting Authority. One of the 5 local incubation workshops (Atelier) in the region of Western Greece was the co-working space POS4WORK ( Ateliers were selected, after a public invitation, by the Chamber of Achaia. The first...