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The main objectives of INTERACTION project is to promote the eco-transformation of the creative sector towards a new modernized vision and to integrate sustainability and green growth into every aspect of the labor market. Thanks to education addressed to the key actors of this industry, will increase the flexibility of opportunities in vocational creative education and training. Central idea and "vehicle of transport" will be the European culture - heritage.     European priority: Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs Duration: 2 years (2023-2025) Partners: SREDNO OPSHTINSKO UCHILISHTE NIKOLA KAREV...

heritage for youth eu project sustainability

Heritage 4 Youth

"Heritage for youth" is a project which aims to foster exchange and dialogue between young people and youth workers. The partners are from 7 different EU countries on the issues of safeguarding and promoting natural and cultural heritage and social inclusion. Specific objectives of the project: To raise awareness of the importance of European cultural heritage To promote young people environmental education, especially ecotourism education for an active citizenship To strengthen the sense of belonging and participation, promoting activities that protect and enhance the common heritage, involving young people...